“God Takes Care of His Own”
Listen to the Message From Sunday, March 16, 2025
Podcast Summary: God Takes Care of His Own
In Firm Foundation Inspiration Minute (Talk #162), Dr. Bryan Hudson explores the theme that God takes care of His own, drawing from 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. He explains that being a follower of Christ is more than adopting a religion—it is an invitation into God's family.
The message highlights the concept of redemption, emphasizing that believers were bought at a price—the life of Jesus Christ. This transformation is not achieved through human effort or religious rituals but through a change of ownershipfrom darkness to light, from sin to righteousness, and from the devil’s possession to belonging to God.
Dr. Hudson reminds listeners that glorifying God is not just a spiritual act but involves how we live daily—our habits, thoughts, and actions. He draws a parallel between how people care for their own possessions and how God, as our owner, lovingly takes care of us.
Referencing 2 Corinthians 5:18, he highlights the ministry of reconciliation, explaining that just as believers have been reconciled to God, they are called to share the gospel and help others return to God. The power of salvation lies in the message of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.
The episode closes with an invitation to listen to Dr. Hudson’s New Creation Realities, Part Three: Your Ministry of Reconciliation, available via his blog and YouTube.
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (Psalms 19:1)
Many who follow my blog are aware that I am a photographer and an astrophotographer. I do professional services through Vision Communication Media LLC and enjoy photography as a hobby, especially the astrophotography genre.
Early morning on March 15, I have the joy of witnessing a total lunar eclipse, also called a "Blood Moon." A lunar eclipse is Earth's shadow passing over the moon. Looked like a red/orange ball hanging in the night sky. The color is from the sun behind the Earth refracting (changing direction) through the atmosphere shining on moon, causing orange/red light to blanket the moon in phases.
On April 8, 2024, I experienced the total solar eclipse, which is the moon's shadow passing over part of the Earth. These events, and all the wonders, I see through my telescope at night, reminds me of the Majesty and greatness of God. We do not make the mistake of worshiping the creation, more than the Creator, but it's always an awesome site to look at what God is done in the universe!
During the early morning hours of March 15, the lunar eclipse started out with clouds, I was concerned that I might miss out on the eclipse. I asked the Lord to let me see it, and the skies opened! I'm sure I wasn't the only person asking the Lord to let us see this celestial event.
What I saw reminded me again that the God we serve regulates the universe and still watches over you and me. As the old folks used to say, "God sits high and looks low."
Bryan Hudson
Summary of "New Creation Realities"
Part Two: "All Things of God"
by Pastor Bryan Hudson, D. Min. (Summary by OpenAI)
Key Scripture:
2 Corinthians 5:17-18 – “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.”
1. All Things Are of God
- Salvation and new creation realities come from God alone—not from people, religion, or traditions.
- God is the initiator of reconciliation; He designed people to be with Him, and through Christ, He restores that relationship.
- There is no reconciliation without Jesus—He is the only way back to the Father.
2. God Owns Our Whole Life
- Being a new creation means everything in our lives belongs to God—not just a portion.
- Some people treat their relationship with God like a timeshare, giving Him only part of their lives, but God demands full ownership.
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – “You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body and spirit, which belong to Him.”
- Partial commitment leads to defeat; full submission leads to transformation.
3. Transformation Requires Letting Go of the Old
- Becoming a new creation is not about improving the old, but replacing it completely.
- Many people struggle because they hold onto old habits, mindsets, and religious traditions.
- Just as old technology cannot be integrated into a new system, the old self must be completely surrendered to God.
- Jesus didn’t come to “fix” Judaism—He established a new covenant.
4. Unlocking Greater Purpose Through Faithfulness
- When we recognize that all things are of God, greater purpose is unlocked.
- Luke 16:10 – “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.”
- Many people want big responsibilities in life, but they ignore small acts of faithfulness (prayer, giving, serving).
- God watches how we handle the least things before entrusting us with more.
5. Reconciliation Leads to Reassignment
- God reconciles us so that we can help reconcile others—this is our ministry of reconciliation.
- Being saved is not just for personal benefit; it carries the responsibility of sharing the gospel.
- The reason God allows the world to continue in its brokenness is to give people time to repent (2 Peter 3:9).
- If believers don’t share the message of reconciliation, many will never hear it.
Final Call to Action
- True Christ-followers, not just churchgoers, must embrace their new identity and mission.
- God wants full ownership of our lives—not a part-time commitment.
- When we take our purpose seriously and remain faithful in small things, God entrusts us with greater things.
- Old things have passed away; all things have become new.
Closing Prayer:
- Thanking God for reconciliation and transformation.
- Asking for a renewed focus on purpose and faithfulness.
- Acknowledging that God has full ownership of our lives.
- Committing to the ministry of reconciliation and sharing the gospel.