New Media for Ministry Pastor’s Roundtable 1.0

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Come join us for New Media for Ministry Pastor’s Roundtable 1.0

Saturday, November 8 @ 10am to 12noon
(Click on Image to watch video)

New Media for Ministry Pastor’s Roundtable” 1.0 (“one point zero”) will be the first in a series of discussions exploring the growing world of technology, social media and New Media as it relates to effective congregational ministry, outreach and community impact. New Media is a term that defines the convergence of “old media” such as graphics and print with “new” digital media such as Internet based content, digital video-audio, social media. Pastors and their key technology staff/leaders will both share and gain valuable insights. Helpful information and solution resources will be shared.

Schedule for Saturday, November 8

9:30 am Get acquainted: Sign-in, Pick up free materials
10:00 am Opening Prayer | Introduction by Pastor Bryan Hudson, “Do we need New Media?”
• Meet Panelists (Show info on screen)
• Opening statements from each panelist

10:15 am General Discussion Topics:
  • “What is the state of the Church today in relation to new media and the Internet?”
  • Are we maximizing the use new media for God’s purposes?
  • What forms of new media are most effective for “inreach” and “outreach”?
  • How can pastors lead congregations to adopt new media tools? Is this necessary?
  • What are the benefits of social media like Myspace and Facebook? Should we promote it or avoid it.
  • We are some effective productivity tools and techniques?

10:50 am Focus Topics (About 20 minutes per topic including Q&A.

  • Pastor Clary Butler: “How can we leverage the power of social media such as Facebook and MySpace for ministry impact?”
  • Pastor Al Jennings: “Using new media and technology to more effectively serve our church and community.”
  • Pastor John Posey (Via Skype): “Harnessing web-based services for networking, training and entrepreneurship”
  • Pastor Bryan Hudson: “Concepts and best practices for doing cost-effective video and web production?”

11:50 am Wrap Up: What topics would be valuable to discuss in a future roundtable?

Closing Prayer | Refreshments Served

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