Black History is "His-Story" of Grace

Monday, February 02, 2009 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

With the recent accomplishments of prominent African Americans in many arenas of life, February is an ideal month to reflect on the history of blacks in America.

A post like this might stir up deep-seated animosities among those who (wrongly) think that ethnicity should be a non-issue. However, the strength of our nation is not color-blindness, but love of country, diversity, and equal opportunity regardless of one's ethnicity.

Some countries, like France, presume to "transcend" race by not regarding the ethnicity of persons. In America, we wrestle with our shortcomings and then rise to a better social posture.

Black history is as germane to American history as is the expansion of the nation from east to west. It is also a highly inspirational and motivational inquiry. As a teaser, Google the names, Percy Julian or Granville T. Woods.

I applaud my local newspaper, the Indianapolis Star for highlighting some great resources on this topic (Click to visit the Star)

When viewing history through the lens of God's grace, I see "His-Story" unfolded in the lives of people.