In What Ways Are We Salt and Light?

Monday, August 10, 2009 Bryan Hudson 1 Comments

Something I posted to my Facebook account:
"I've been pondering: In what actual ways are we 'salt and light' in this world? Is the church only relevant to Christians and seekers?"

Response from Eric:
Great question. It seems my whole life's mission (especially in the entertainment industry) has been from that standpoint that if I am Christ-like, then I should be relevant in wisdom, character, conduct and creativity to non-believers everywhere I go. What is the point of being "salt" if I don't bring seasoning and healing to the world. What is the point of being "light" if I can't provide relevant revealtion or direction to the world. To merely exist in a "Chrisitian environment bubble" is what is killing the relevance and growth of the church.

My Response to Eric:
Very insightful comment! One of the key words in your statement is "relevant," meaning, "Having a bearing on or connection with the matter at hand." What one considers to be the "matter at hand" greatly impacts what we do. For one, that matter may be the choir. For another the "matter" may be dealing with the influence of gangs on our children. Certainly, we see that Jesus made himself relevant in many arenas. We know that the "Word of God is not bound" (2 Timothy 2:9). However it must be carried by us to those hearts and places where it is needed.

Eric Responds:
I agree! Several years ago, after reading Matthew 5:13-16, I was challenged by these thoughts, "What will be said about me by the non-church world? How have I impacted anyone in that arena? What would be said about my character? When was the last time a non-believer wanted to know more about the gospel based on their interactions with me?" I realized that I had little to no interaction with non-believers. I asked God to help me change that. I began getting involved with my daughter's high school, volunteering to help resolve an administrative problem, let to being part of the principal's council, which led to speaking at board meetings, which led to meeting with the superintendent and baord memebers and law enforcement and city council on a regular basis. Like Daniel or Joseph, God had given me the ability to articulate relevant answers to civic and education crisis issues. A Jewish parent asked me, "Where do you go to church and would you be available to speak at my synagouge?"

I truly believe that anyone can be a Daniel or Joseph or Esther, salt and light wherever they are. Or like you said earlier, Proverbs 22:1!!!

Marlon Responds:
Yes we can be the salt and Light of the world;but many of us are afraid of that call because it so difficult to go to the trenches so to speak and fight for souls. Yet God demands this of us.We can do this in Christ Jesus and it will call for total trust in Him.If we don't interact with people then perhaps they won't ever taste that flavorof the Lord nor see that light that is ingrafted in all of us who are called Christ!!

Do you have any thoughts?