Surprise! Tiger Woods is a sinner

Monday, December 07, 2009 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Like everyone, I was disappointed to read about the confessed infidelity of Tiger Woods. Greatly disappointed, but not surprised.

I consider Tiger the greatest golfer of all time, even greater than the great Jack Nicklaus. However, recent allegations and admissions have tarnished Tiger. He will suffer more because of his air of invincibility. He will also suffer because it is the nature of our society to place exceptional people high on pedestals, then savage them when they stumble or fall.

While we know better than to look to athletes as role models in non-athletic areas, Tiger seemed to be an exception to that rule. His relationship with his late father continues to provide a great example of a father/son relationship. His current family status seemed to be ideal until late November 2009.

Now that we know the man is a sinner, like all people, its time to show mercy and pray for Tiger Woods and his family.

When you feel tempted to pile on, remember these words from John 8:7, [Jesus] said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at [him] first.”