Win the Battle for Your Mind

Monday, December 07, 2009 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man .... I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. (Romans 7:22, 25)

“Be renewed in the spirit of our mind...” (Ephesians 4:23)

The excerpts of scripture shown above highlight the power of our thinking. While the new birth occurred in our hearts, renewal happens in our minds. The mind is often the battleground, the place where progress is either won or lost.

Below are some scriptures and suggested affirmations to help build your faith and develop/maintain a victorious mindset:

1. Mortify my mind; Romans 8:5-8,12-14
“Carnality does not control my lifestyle. My mind is the property of Jesus. Satan, keep your hands off! I am dead to sin and alive to God. I am dead to things carnal and alive to things spiritual. I am a debtor to the Holy Spirit who gave me life”.

2. Clear my mind; 1 John 3:11-12
“I clear from my mind of thoughts of anger, envy and disappointment at others. I give place for the peace of God to flood my mind. Jesus, you are my peace. I dig up seeds of bitterness and cast them away. I have the mind of Christ”. (Heb. 12:14-15; 1 Cor. 2:16)

3. Renew my mind; Ephesians 4:23
“I have the power through my Lord Jesus Christ to replace wrong thought patterns with thoughts that please God. I can root out, pluck down, throw down and destroy anything in me that is not of God. I can build and plant anything that is of God”. (Jer. 1:10)

4. Set my mind; Colossians 3:1-4
“I am a decisive person by the grace of God. My mind taps into to riches of God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding. My mind is innovative, creative and productive in every purpose of God. I and disciplined in my thought life and repel every fiery dart from Satan”.

5. Focus my mind; Romans 6:16-18
“I see clearly what I must do. There is no cloud of confusion in me. My mind will grasp everything I need to know. I cast down imaginations and opinions born of pride. My mind is the tool and servant of my Lord Jesus Christ!”

6. Guard my mind; Proverbs 4:10-26
“I guard my mind from the seeds of Satan. My mind is the gateway to my heart and I will protect the treasure of God’s Word in me. The cares of this world; the deceitfulness of riches; and the lusts of other things will not choke the Word in me. God’s healing power dominates my body and mind. The forces of the life of God flows out of me to bless others”. (Mark 4:19)