You Are Like Peyton Manning

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Philippians 3:12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

In one sense, we are like Peyton Manning. No, we don't have his fame or money. Most of us don't have his athletic ability. What we have in common with Manning is that we were chosen because of our potential to positively impact a team.

The Apostle Paul said in so many words, "I have not reached my potential, nor am I perfect. I'm going to continue to press forward to become what Jesus saw in me when He chose me."

Peyton Manning was drafted in 1998 by the Indianapolis Colts. Before he played his first game, he received a lucrative contract.  Ownership brought in great players and coaches, including Tony Dungy, to help the young quarterback develop. Today, Manning has exceeded all expectations, and has "laid hold" on "that" for which the Colts laid hold on him – a National Football League championship (maybe another one on February 7, 2010!).

You are no different than Peyton Manning in relation to God's plan and purpose. God saved you and filled you with His Spirit so that you could "lay hold" on a life of Kingdom purpose. You have a guaranteed contract of wisdom, blessings, and spiritual gifts!

Now get out there! Live in victory! Win souls to Christ, and do everything God has put in your heart!