Be Strong and Do the Work!

The instructions that David gave his son Solomon are among the greatest words of motivation and godly direction ever given. Solomon had the great advantage of building on a firm foundation laid by his father. He was given building plans that David received from the Spirit of God. Later in the same chapter, David raised an enormous amount of resources for the construction of the temple.
With the mission clear and the resources provided, David focused Solomon on the spiritual and character-based requirements for the projects.
Then and now, God is more interested in building the character of his leaders and people, than building temples. In fact, David said that the purpose of the "temple" was for a "sanctuary" of God's presence among His people.
Some of the key statements from David's exhortation speak to us today:
- "Serve God with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind." Devotion and willingness keep us connected to God and His purposes.
- "If you seek him, he will be found by you…" Even though God always knows everything about us, He still wants us to "seek Him" through prayer and worship. This develops our relationship with God.
- "[God] understands every motive behind the thoughts." Motive answers the question, "Why are you doing what you do?"
- "God has chosen you…" Knowing that you are chosen provides the sense of stability to overcome all obstacles and remain faithful year by year.
- "Be strong and do the work." Enough said!