The Best Freedom

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

There are two very powerful forces at work in this world and in your life. The first force or "bad law" is what the Apostle Paul called the "law of sin and death."

Like gravity, the law of sin and death,  introduced into the earth by Adam,  affects everyone. This is a law, or principle, that no one can escape or overcome in one's own strength. Even "nice" people have sinned and  experienced a spiritual death.

The second powerful force or "good law" at work in the earth is what the Apostle Paul called "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ." This force, power, or principle is something that God had to introduce into the earth through Jesus Christ to counteract the law of sin and death.

As the wording suggests, this law is all about life. It's all about Jesus Christ. It's all about freedom. It is a kind of freedom for a person's spirit, soul and body are that can come no other way.

Read Roman's Chapter eight to learn more.