A Quick Lesson from Photography: Quality Produces Focus in Your Life
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Saturday, December 26, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
See the Powerful film "War Room" at New Covenant Church, Dec 31 at
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Saturday, December 26, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
Celebrating Jesus...Serving Our Community! | Report on 2015 Community Christmas Celebration and Outreach
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Tuesday, December 22, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
On December 22, two families were treated to a shoe shopping spree.
This Community Christmas Outreach continues the legacy of compassion for people shown by Gaynell Hudson, who directed the Share ministry of New Covenant Church until her homegoing in August of 2003.
Below is a brief video reflecting on 25 years of community service and our founder, Gaynell Hudson.
Thanks to the Share Committee of New Covenant Church, to all of the volunteers who labored in love to make this event possible!
Share Committee members: Candase Cornett (Director), H.B. Hudson, Vera & Dennis Gibson, Harriet Berry, Rhonda Davis, Bertha Fields and Dennis & Joycell Ingram
Thanks to: Lilly Endowment, Inc., Chaplain Delores Epps & Friends Fellowship Prison Ministry, Freetown Village, Vision Communications, Walter Smith
Firm Foundation Conversation #102, “The Power of Prayer and CommunityAction"
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Wednesday, December 09, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

Be sure to bookmark the page to enjoy future conversations and inspirational lessons.
Keeping Safe in God's Love
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Wednesday, December 09, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
The Book of Jude is the last epistle (letter) before the book of Revelation. Jude spoke about many perils and deceptive people/circumstances occurring in both his day and the future (our day.)
Flexibility: The Key to New and Greater Purposes
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Wednesday, December 02, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
Reflections on All Things Beautiful: Gaynell Hudson––My Mother
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Sunday, November 29, 2015 Bryan Hudson 4 Comments

Today I reflect on, and celebrate, the life of my mother, Gaynell Hudson. Ten years ago today she exited time in order to enter eternity. She departed from among us to embrace her Savior and Lord.
Of course, everyone's mother is special for all the same reasons. But Gaynell Hudson was special for a lot of other reasons. Because we labored together, along with my dad, Horace Bryan Hudson, in the ministry for 24 years until her passing in 2003, I understood her motivations. I embraced her theology and philosophy of service to all people. I'm not alone in embracing this understanding, though I knew it best.
We shared a special bond as members of what I sometimes think of as "OCS," the Only Child's Society. My mother was the only child of William & Essie Hayden, who were regionally renown Gospel singers. My grandmother, Essie, who passed when my mother was only 17 years old and just finishing school at the famed Crispus Attucks High School in Indianapolis. Essie Hayden was a pianist of extraordinary ability and acclaim. My mother was also a gifted pianist, singer, and songwriter.
She was a stay-at-home mom, which was more feasible in those days. She poured everything she had into me–– and she had a lot! I discovered she had artistic ability. My mother possessed profound insight and high intelligence. She read thousands of pages of books per year, especially after her conversion to Christ. Most of all, she helped people...all the time. She helped all kinds of people, all the time, with a brand of "tough love" that made a positive and lasting impact. I've watched her speak to young men–fierce looking young men–and hold their attention. She is fondly remembered around our church for looking people in the eyes and saying, "You be encouraged, this too will pass!" Followed by a loving embrace and hug that could last minutes. I've seen adults begin to look like (and likely, feel like) children unburdened by troubles, if only for a few moments, while in her embrace.
What many did not understand was the source of her powers of empathy and connectedness to people. She looked at nearly everything from a higher perspective or purpose. And she did not suffer liars, cheats, and people with questionable motives! She could rebuke as sternly as she would warmly embrace. Her life shaped her character.
Before and after the death of her mother, and while her father worked jobs and sang tenor with Gospel groups, my mother was in the "care" of people who were not altogether caring. She never told me the details of those days, but always became grieved when reflecting on it. This experience fueled her strong sense of justice, injustice, and zero tolerance for the mistreatment of vulnerable people.
The death of her mother only magnified her pain as a 17 year old young woman. Before she came to Christ, she internalized her pain. Her marriage to Horace Bryan Hudson, brought stability to a destabilized life. Bryan (as people called him) and Gaynell were two young adults, each outstanding in his and her own way. Into that union, I was born and in time it became clear that I would be the only one. My mother transformed her pain, harnessed her empathy, exercised her extraordinary intelligence, and cultivated her interest in all things beautiful into occasions of discovery for her only son.
At the little apartment in Barrington Heights on Indy's southeast side, we did everything from read, sing, talk about current events, play games, listen to symphonic music, jazz music, and gospel music. Sometimes we imagined the symphony instruments and played them in pantomime. We danced, looked at photos from around the world in magazines, and watched television together––what (thankfully!) little we had in those days (three channels broadcast from 5am to 12 midnight only!). I especially remember being required to sit still and respectfully listen to the President of the United States whenever he gave a major address on television. I still do that today.
We rarely moved around town, especially outside of our black "section" of town, since she did not have a car to drive while dad was at work, or I was at school. Despite that, I remember my world as a very large place full of big ideas, interesting people, and lots to do—though in reality our world on Perkins Court was very small.
One day, as a six or seven year old, I proposed to build a rocket, complete with diagrams and a materials list. I remember my parents taking me seriously and encouraging me that all things are possible. But for some strange reason, I never received the Roman candles I requested to build the first stage of the rocket!
In my late teens, my mother became of follower of Christ, and she directed all of her energy towards helping other people experience "all things beautiful," beginning with Christ. She completely understood, and identified with the Only Begotten Son Jesus and His singular focus on teaching the Word and saving lives. Gaynell Hudson, my mother, was fully committed to serving God and people. This is the greatest gift I received and lesson I learned from her. This continues to be the basis of my motivations.
In a world of facades, excuses, superficiality, and small mindedness, Gaynell Hudson was a model of authenticity, consistency, hope, and faith.
The worse day of my life occurred on an evening in 1982 or 1983 (I don't try too hard to remember). Following a midweek Bible Study, my wife had left but returned to our meeting place to tell me that my parents were involved in an accident a short distance from our meeting place (no cell phones in those days). She was driving home down 34th Street, just east of what is now called Dr. Andrew Brown Street. When we drove back to the location. The accident scene involved two vehicles with parts strewn across the street and the cars smashed into a heap. I learned later that it was a head-on collision. After I parked my car and we walked over to their car, I saw my injured parents. Dad was out of the car dazed, but mom was still in the car with broken bones and conscious. Mom said, "Don't worry," and she began thanking God through her pain. Reflecting on it, I know she was also thinking how all this was affecting me––always thinking about others. For a short time, I blamed myself for holding service that night. They were not wearing seat belts...few of us did in those days, though we buckled up thereafter.
The experience of assisting my parents in their recovery, driving them to doctors and orthopedic specialists before either of them were allowed to drive, and assisting with my mother's rehabilitation from many broken bones including facial bones (which eventually resulted in her losing sight in one eye), was the most rewarding time of my life at that time. Not only did I have the privilege of helping the people who gave me life, I fully came to understand the great power of personal sacrifice, empathy and serving. I learned that pity is useless. Love and availability are everything. Dad mended quicker than my mother since his injuries were less severe.
Because I was in full time ministry, I moved my "office" to my parents' house. I learned to balance time with my wife and children, ministry responsibilities, and how to serve my congregation, community and my parents effectively and efficiently. Looking back, I suppose all that was "hard." It may have seemed hard to some. But it seemed easy to me because there is nothing more significant one can do than serving, especially your own parents. It is amazing what can be accomplished when we choose not to make excuses and refuse to fear hardship or service as an unwelcome imposition in our lives.
During that time, and for years afterwards, as mom coped with effects of her injuries years earlier, I watched her continue to do what I had always seen her do: Enjoy all things beautiful, love God, and serve others. Even when she experienced kidney failure and the onset of cancer, she continue to serve people, teach Bible study 12noon on Wednesdays, join attend Saturday morning prayer just after her dialysis treatment, spend time with each of her grandchildren, and more. She lived a full life of 65 years, howbeit physically challenged.
For some 15 years we ministered together at nursing homes. Mom would play the piano and sing followed by a Bible lesson from me, and we both prayed for the people. She served on prayer lines for national ministries and ministered at the women's prison in Indy and mentored young women. She began a Community Christmas outreach that continues to this day.
As a husband, father, pastor, educator, and consultant, I live the lessons learned from Gaynell Hudson everyday. I am Gaynell Hudson's son. I am honored to celebrate her life by how I live my life.
What is unfortunate, and even tragic, today is that we seem to be a society and a popular church culture (as distinct from Christ's church) that has come to value things other than sincerity, authenticity and service. Some of what I see is barely recognizable as biblical, Christlike, and efficacious. Our culture is high on style, but low on substance. Yet God continues His work through abounding grace. His Kingdom is advancing.
Gaynell Hudson is long gone, but her son is here. And many others of her "children" are here too. I believe we can make and have made a difference. I believe the values and godly practices of my mother are timeless and transcendent.
I continue to look for all things beautiful and useful to honoring God and helping people!
How to Get Unstuck and Go to a Place Called "Forward"
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Bryan Hudson 1 Comments
@Bryan Hudson | http://inspirationimages.zenfolio.com/p964225681 |
Have you ever felt like you did not know where to go or what to do? A better question might be: “When was the last time you felt that way?”
Beware of feelings. Feelings are not final reality. I have been on flights that were so smooth that it did not feel like we were moving. However, 18 inches from my window seat there was pandemonium going on outside at 35,000 feet, traveling at 550 miles per hour, with sub zero temperature air and very low oxygen. So, my feeling could not define the reality.
I have been on merry-go-rounds where everything was moving and I was only going in a circle. One day, a guy saw me with my Apple earphones and remarked that I must have enjoyed my music. That was how he felt. In fact, I was listening to the text of a scholarly article.
Feelings and emotionalism are such a problem until people today can’t embrace reality because feeling a certain way. I am so glad that the most important people in my life operate on reality more than feelings: My family, my attorney, my pilot, my doctors, my pastor, my close friends, and more.
Some folk should just admit it: "I don’t walk by faith. I walk by sight, feelings and emotions." Admit it, then repent of it and let the message of this article help you!
Forward defined: To cause to proceed or progress toward a goal. To cause to go or be taken from one place or condition to another.
For you, there is a place called “Forward." For Israel, their “Forward” was something called the “Promised Land.” The people of Israel did not possess a map of the Promised Land. This was more of a promise of something greater than their present condition in Egypt.
We are people full of ideas and dreams. Our thoughts create a sense of hope. We have the amazing ability to place an image in our mind's eye and construct a good or bad reality around it.
Feeling “stuck” is not uncommon. We all have that feeling from time to time. Israel certainly felt that way as they were staring at an impassable body of water in from of them, with an Egyptian army bearing down on them from behind.
You can be sure that the Egyptians were not coming to help them, they were coming on orders from Pharaoh to slaughter God's people. We can hardly imagine how the people must have felt in that moment. But God knew how move Moses and the people out of that feeling and change their reality.
The good news is this: We serve a God who is never stuck and never has to wonder what He will do next! We serve a God who knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).
In that moment of extreme crisis God did two things for His chosen People:
1. He placed a "pillar of fire" between His people and the pursuing Egyptian army. By this, the people knew they were not alone.
2. God told Moses to tell the people to “Go forward.” This didn't make any sense because of the Red Sea in front of them, but it was an opportunity to trust the Lord in a very special way.
You don’t have to be concerned about things that don’t make sense to you. You only need to embrace what God is saying today (not only what He said in the past). You only need to focus on His word, His promises, and the spiritual principles that govern you and your circumstances.
Look for a pillar of fire in your life and circumstances.
Your "pillar of fire" is not a miraculous sign (we don't look for signs Matthew 16:4). It is something you know God has done for you. Your pillar of fire something already present in your life that may have been overshadowed by your present challenges.
You might be enjoying extended years of life because of God’s healing power. That’s a pillar of fire for you. You might have the blessing of people who love you and continue to support you every day of your life. That’s a pillar of fire for you. It is something that removes any doubt that God is with you and continues to keep the enemy from overtaking you.
Today, God is still saying, “Go forward.”
Forward is the only direction in which God is moving.
You can go forward even when you are forced to stand still. Forward is a place to which God leads people of purpose and destiny. Forward is a place that stretches your faith and exercises your prayer life. Forward is the place and the direction the vision takes you.
How is this? We can always go forward because “forward” is not a direction, it is a mindset, a sense of purpose, and promise from God.
Inspiration Image | Habakkuk 2:14
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
The Rest of God: Use the Power of Another. Ride the Wave.
Monday, November 09, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Monday, November 09, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
Looking Forward. Holding The Rope.
Thursday, November 05, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Thursday, November 05, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
("Hope The Rope" explained at 41:35)
All of your breakthroughs and blessings are in front or you. This is no time to stand still or look backwards. Discover and continue in your “race” and finish every endeavor strong!
We'll use four key words related to looking forward: Head, Hear, Hope, and Hold
3. I Take hold on that for which Christ took hold of me: Taking firm grasp of my purpose, my responsibilities, and my relationships. Fulfill your purpose and potential, like Peyton Manning. Give value. In terms of serving, be an asset, not a liability.
5. I forget what is behind: Forgive, forget, and move on. Give as little energy as possible to what might get me discouraged. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity". Albert Einstein
7. I receive the prize: "If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed." David Viscott. Always look ahead, try to run through the line, not just run up to it and stop
8. I live up: Look like, sound like and act like a child of the King. When it comes to getting quality, there are no shortcuts. "If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life." Abraham Maslow
9. I join with others: Work together. A team will always outperform an individual. “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Isaac Newton
10. I follow examples: "Approve of things that are excellent." (Rom. 2:8) Follow purpose, not only "big" things. Paul said, "Those who seem to be something added nothing to me." Galatians 2:6
11. I live according to pattern: Trust God's wisdom and instructions. Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. Vincent van Gogh
Firm Foundation Video Bible Study, "No More Fear" | Recorded from Periscope Live Stream
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Tuesday, November 03, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
I've been using Periscope to share Bible Studies to a diverse audience. Follow me on Twitter and Periscope to receive notifications on upcoming live streams. My Twitter name is @BryanHudson
Also sharing webcasts on FirmFoundationTV.
Have a great day!
RENEW | Day 30 • Reflections on Change for a Better Life
Friday, October 30, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Friday, October 30, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
Congratulations! You’ve reached the conclusion of this devotional book, but not the end of your journey. Use this final day to review the principles you have learned and the decisions you’ve taken.
Wrapping Up
• Look over your daily notes and comments.
• Pray, asking God for wisdom and a plan to follow through on what your have gained.
• Think about people you can help grow stronger or find new life in Christ. Share the RENEW book with another person.
• Praise God and celebrate His goodness in your life!
Use the link below or send me an email with your testimony about how this book and devotional process has blessed you.
~ Pastor Bryan Hudson
Online Form: My Testimony of Change and a Better Life
RENEW | Day 29 • The Mind of Christ: Thinking on a Higher Level
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Thursday, October 29, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
RENEW | Day 28 • Established Thoughts, Established Life
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
RENEW | Day 27 • Ears to Hear, Part Four, “Types of Listening that Lead to Hearing”
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
“For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you and why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:2-3)
RENEW | Day 26 • Ears to Hear, Part Three, “Types of Listening That Lead to Hearing”
Monday, October 26, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Monday, October 26, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
RENEW | Day 25 • Ears to Hear, Part Two, “The Benefits of Hearing”
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Sunday, October 25, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
- How you hear will determine the quality of your life.
- How you hear will determine your level of authority and responsibility in life.
- How you hear will determine the measure of God’s anointing on your life
Jesus said we must have “ears to hear.” This indicates our willingness to hear instruction and direction. Many people fall short before they ever get started because they are not willing to hear, not willing to make a commitment to excellence, and not willing to move out of familiar territory.
Jesus never forced people to listen to Him or follow Him. He invited people to participate with Him and receive the blessing of God. Many times, Jesus began a teaching with the statement “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” This was His invitation to people who were serious. He proceeded to teach and afterwards waited for a response. Many of the people walked away, others were bewildered, but some lingered and inquired further of the things Jesus taught. These were the people who received the most from what he said. It was true then and is true now.
Jesus invites everyone to hear and know Him, but He lets our decision to hear determine the degree of understanding and fruitfulness we experience.
“And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him--the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day." (John 12:47-48)
A lack of hearing, or hearing the wrong things, will hamper your ability to walk in the full blessing and opportunities of life. For example, those who want to become medical doctors must spend countless hours hearing and reflecting upon what they have heard in the context of medicine. Simply being in the classroom passively listening won't do. You certainly don't want a doctor who was not paying attention while in school! In reality, any profession, task, or endeavor requires a full commitment to having “ears to hear.” These are the people who excel in life and in fellowship with God.

Reflection Question: What have you missed for lack of hearing?
RENEW | Day 24 • Ears to Hear, Part One, “Take Heed What & How You Hear”
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Saturday, October 24, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
RENEW | Day 23 • The Life-Changing Power of Solitude
Friday, October 23, 2015
Bryan Hudson
Friday, October 23, 2015 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
1 Samuel 62:5, My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him.
Isaiah 30:15, For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” But you would not, 16] and you said, “No, for we will flee on horses”--therefore you shall flee! And, “We will ride on swift horses”--therefore those who pursue you shall be swift!
Confusion, nervousness, instability, and distraction are common problems among people today – including Christians. We have become a non-stop, noisy, and distracted society. We pay a high price for neglecting solitude in the presence of God.
Our lives become ordered by the pace and practice of this world and not by God. We experience bewilderment, disorientation, and random thoughts – like a machine that is operated outside of its tolerances. We become prone to misunderstanding people and purposes because of a lack of personal, inward focus. We feed on noise and clamor – becoming addicted to confusion and preferring it over quiet.
Jesus gave us the perfect example of human existence according to divine order. His entire ministry was birthed and sustained out of the crucible of solitude and silence – He could know His Father’s direction no other way. His preparedness to minister and the level of anointing upon Him was in direct proportion to His solitary time with the Father and with His own thoughts. Jesus lived a life of devotion to God interspersed with periods of ministering to others – not the reverse. Jesus began His ministry in the wilderness, in solitude, gaining strength for what lie ahead. When Satan came to tempt Him, he was at His strongest point, not His weakest point.
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” (Mark 1:35)
“Because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, [Jesus] said to [his disciples], ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’ So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.” (Mark 6:31-32)
“Jesus constantly sought solitude from the time of his baptism up to the Garden of Gethsemane, when He even went apart from those he took there to watch with him. It is solitude alone that opens the possibility of a radical relationship to God that can withstand all external events up to and beyond death.” (Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines)
Jesus was not driven by the needs of people, but by the purpose of God. Because of this Jesus gained the power to meet the needs of people in a dramatic, miraculous fashion. If He labored with people more than spent time with God, he would not have been as successful, and neither are we. Because Jesus spent time with God, His times of public ministry were dramatic and miraculous. He got more done in a shorter period of time.
Matthew 12:19, He will not quarrel nor cry out, nor will anyone hear His voice in the streets. (”...neither shall any man hear his voice above the street noise” NAS)

Reflection Question: What is your plan for solitude with God?
If you were blessed by this or any other lesson during the RENEW devotional, feel free to share your insights and testimony with me using the "My Testimony" link below.
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