RENEW | Day 10 • Fervent Prayer Begins in the Mind
James 5:16, The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
The earnest (heart-felt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available-dynamic in its working. (James 5:16 Amplified Bible.)
The word “fervent” means “hot.” Prayer is a spiritual action but it is in our mind that we decide when and how to pray. The power of prayer is not through our minds, but until the decision to pray is taken, nothing happens.
Prayer is the most fundamental action that a believer in Jesus Christ can perform. It is also the most important and effective means of communication with God available to mankind. Through prayer we tap into the very presence of God and into the realm of higher power and authority.
Prayer is to the Christian what contractors are to architects. Architects have the plan, but the contractor creates a building from lines, measurements and specifications on paper. We are commissioned to do the works of Jesus. We are following the plans of our Great Architect, God the Father. Through prayer we receive the revelation of what to do, where to do it, and how to do it. We also receive the necessary tools to carry out God's purposes in the earth.
Furthermore, through prayer, we clear a path for God in our surroundings and within our hearts for God to do His work.
The simple truth is this: In a world of confusion and shifting standards, prayer is the one thing that is always the right thing to do. Prayer time is never wasted time. Prayer shapes our thinking and reasoning in essential ways.
Consider the key words from James 5:16,
1. Effective - having adequate power or force to produce the effect
2. Fervent - hot; glowing; intensely warm; vehement; animated; intense
3. Righteous Man - upright, virtuous, free from guilt or sin
Reflection Question: In addition to prayer, what is one thing that could become more effective if you became fervent about it?