A Memorable and Empowering Weekend | Reflections on Ministry, Service and Legacy

Friday, October 13, 2017 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

The weekend of October 6-8 was both a memorable and empowering weekend for New Covenant Church, and for my wife and me.

We celebrated 35 years of service as a church and pastor. This celebration was focused on the faithfulness of God, the power of legacy received, and the glory of Christ in changed lives. Our theme was “Empowered to Triumph In Christ Jesus” based on 2 Corinthians 2:14, “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.”

Another key Scripture to our celebration, from the beginning of 2017, and in recognition of the Lord helping us retire our building mortgage and become a debt free ministry, Philippians 1:6, Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;

Below are two videos I produced for this weekend:  “Reflections on Legacy, Family, Future” Shown on Friday October 6:

“New Covenant Church Ministry Highlights 2016-17” shown on Sunday, October 8.

There are two sets of photos: 1) From our Anniversary Banquet honoring my wife and me. 2) From Anniversary Services on Sunday October 8. 
2017 Pastor Anniversary Banquet

NCC 35th Anniversary Service AM & PM

I appreciate Elder Gaylan & JoCarol who served guided us through the weekend events as host and hostess, even though they were involved in a severe auto accident from which they walked away with minor injuries. We also thank Stacy Williams and her Anniversary Celebration team for organizing these wonderful events. God’s grace and miracles continue to sustain us!

It was special joy and honor to share the evening on Friday with my two closest friends in life and ministry, Dr. Kenneth & Joyce Sullivan and Pastor Al & Carla Jennings. We appreciate these servants of God along with many other friends in life and ministry (man of whom are highlighted the Legacy video).

Sunday belonged to my precious New Covenant Church family. Words can hardly express my love and gratitude to these committed, caring, and covenant-keeping, people of God! During the evening service, it was my honor to present special awards for Distinguished Service to five NCC family members who have provided long-term and impactful service to both New Covenant Church and our
Community over the better part of our 35 years of ministry: Dr. Gwendolyn J. Kelley, Patricia A. Hudson, Shawn Carter, Dennis & Vera Gibson, Elder Horace B. Hudson.

It was a great joy to have my family join on us on Sunday morning, including my oldest son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren!

Sunday evening featured a remarkable time of worship and word with Pastor Kenneth Sullivan, Jr. and the New Direction Church family! (Audio of message will be posted soon)

Please watch the videos, review the photos and help me thank God for His power, grace, love, and faithfulness! Thank you for any part of our past or present that you have loved and supported us. Thank you for your future support and partnership!

~ Pastor Bryan & Patricia Hudson