Day 12 - “Don’t Panic, It’s Just a Test” | February Devotional in the Gospel of John
We might say that Jesus blew the minds of His disciples!
It is interesting that Jesus chose to speak in this manner realizing some of his disciples would not understand. Some actually thought he was speaking about cannibalism, but they should've known better.
Sometimes the situations and trials we face make no sense. As I heard a person say, “Don't panic, it's just a test.” This story shows us that God has no problem testing his disciples, and us, to help us understand how we think. Our thoughts sometimes betray us, and God!
After working the thinking, feelings, and nerves of his disciples, He then asked, “Does this offend you?” It was also a test of trust. Unfortunately, some did not stay around to find out what Jesus was really talking about. They left confused and offended because they refused to stay, deal with their own thinking/feelings, and learn.
He finally said, “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” Jesus was talking about having a close relationship and being committed to purpose.
Reflection question: What is Jesus saying to you through this story? Is there any misunderstanding in your thinking that needs repentance?
Action Items: