DAY #16: The Mindset of a Father | June 21-Day Firm Foundation Devotional: “Renewing the Mind”

Sunday, June 16, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

June 21-Day Firm Foundation Devotional: “Renewing the Mind”
DAY #16:  The Mindset of a Father 

Today’s Lesson

1 Corinthians 16:13 (NASB) Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. 14 Let all that you do be done in love.

A father is obviously a man with children. But there's more to being a father and a man than gender and biology. Men and fathers have a mindset. This mindset is not something that we were born with. It is something we learn from our father, our mother (in their relationship together), and from others who helped to raise us. We all know how impressionable children are. 

One of the important things I remember my dad doing for me was having a “fathering” mindset towards me as his son. He also maintained a certain certain mindset and standard towards himself as a man.

My father’s mindset was revealed in his actions and words. His words and actions helped shape my mindset growing up as a boy, becoming a man, and then as a father for our four children.

There’s not a single description for a man or a father that will fit every person. Our Scripture text provides some insights about the mindset of a man and a father. There are many other examples in Scripture, but we will look at Paul's letter to the Corinthians when he wrote “act like a man.” Other Bible versions use the words “be courageous.” This Scripture was directed to all Christ followers, but men should take note.

Here are some key statements from this text:

1. Be on the alert: Pay attention to God, to your own behavior, to your family, and to others.

2. Stand firm in the faith: Be a believer in God, not a doubter. Be faithful to Christ and to the Word of God,

3. Be strong: When challenged to quit or morally compromise, continue and persevere, trusting in God.

4. Let all you do be done in love: Always remember that love is more than words, love is deeds. Providing for and protecting loved ones is a great act of love.


1. What is your mindset?

2. Why is love more than words?

3. How will you “act like a man?”

ACTION ITEMS (What I will do with what I have learned):


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