DAY #18: Four Steps to Renewing Your Mind | June 21-Day Firm Foundation Devotional: “Renewing the Mind”

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

June 21-Day Firm Foundation Devotional: “Renewing the Mind”
DAY #18:  Four Steps to Renewing Your Mind

Today’s Lesson
What God requires, He provides. Whatever God asks of you, He provides grace to fulfill that responsibility. Following are four suggested action items that summarize the process of renewing the mind. As James said, “Faith without works [corresponding action] is dead being alone.” (James 2:17) 
Step One 
Read, listen to and receive messages inspired of the Word of God, the Bible. God’s Word is the revelation of His plan and purpose for your life and humanity. The more acquainted with the Word you become, the more acclimated you become with God’s way of doing things. 
James 1:21 puts it this way, “Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” 
The soul is comprised of our mind, will, and emotions. As the word is “implanted” into your minds, it displaces all contrary ideas and beliefs that are inconsistent with a Christ-centered life. The idea behind “implant” is to intentionally put something into a certain place, not unlike flowers around the house. 
Step Two 
Let the character of Christ be formed within through fellowship with Him, time in prayer, and growing through the trials and tests of life. Character requires constant development. What the old folks told you was true: “That which does not kill you makes you stronger!” 
My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you (Gal. 4:19) 
Like the apostle Paul, your pastor labors in teaching God's word to help “form” the character of Christ in you. This is similar to human development. You have the DNA but still must gain strength, knowledge, and skill to fulfill your potential. 
Step Three 
Worship, pray, and praise the Lord so that your mind will grow accustomed to this behavior. Though worship does not begin in the mind, our minds can be trained to cooperate and strongly participate in worship, prayer and praise. It is possible to arrive at a place where worship, prayer, and praise are not something you do only in church or when you're feeling “spiritual.” It is something you simply want to do because it has become a part of you. 
David learned this principle, “O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water.” (Psalm 63:1) 
Step Four 
Serve others and share the gospel of Jesus with hurting people. One of the best ways to remove selfishness from your life is to serve others. Serving others is usually inconvenient, but through serving we connect to God in a profound way. 
1. How will you activate the four steps in your process of renewing your mind?
ACTION ITEMS (What I will do with what I have learned):

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