“Brace Your Mind” – Firm Foundation Inspiration Minute #128 for July 24, 2024

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments

 “Brace Your Mind” 


The Amplified Bible reads in 1 Peter 1:13,
So brace up your minds; be sober (circumspect, morally alert); set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace (divine favor) that is coming to you when Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is revealed.

When we get news about an impending storm, we brace ourselves. We tighten up things that are loose and shelter things that are exposed.

This life presents many types of storms against our minds. So bracing up our minds makes as much sense as preparing for any storm.

NKJV reads 1 Peter 1:13, Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

The revelation of Jesus is not only His second return. The revelation of Jesus is how you see Him in your heart and mind before you see Him with your eyes.

There is a condition called Aphantasia

Aphantasia is a very rare phenomenon in which people are unable to visualize. Imagine that it is a warm summer day and you are sitting at a beach or on the side of a swimming pool. Can you see that? People with aphantasia cannot visualize. This is a condition out of the control of people who have it.

But I would like to suggest that we can and must cultivate the ability to see Jesus of God's better purposes in all of our circumstances.

According to our text, bracing up your minds involves being sober, which means serious minded and morally alert. You also set your hope and expectations on the grace and divine favor of God.

Your biggest challenge is keeping your mind stayed on Him. This is part of what we call the masterpiece mindset.

You can do this, so do it! Amen!