Season of Sharpening: Getting Your Edge Back On
Monday, September 23, 2024
Bryan Hudson
Monday, September 23, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
Ecclesiastes 10:10 (NKJV) “If the ax is dull, and one does not sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength; but wisdom produces success."
(NLT) ”Since a dull ax requires great strength, sharpen the blade. That's the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed"
Why do I feel tired?
Remember Your GIFT, GRACE, & ABILITY
”Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the saw." ~ Attributed to Abraham Lincoln
Ax (Saw) – The instrument of service; our lifestyle
Edge – The cutting edge; the action edge; What we actually do; our gifts and unique contribution to God’s purpose
Wisdom - Ability to make proper choices and reach proper conclusions and decisions; Shrewdly aware and subtly resourceful; Using the proper means and procedures in attaining an end; Knowing how to restore and maintain your edge.
Sharpen: Raising the level of your skill and effectiveness through RENEWAL
Sow seed to Pastor Bryan Hudson,$BryanIndy
"Sharpen Your Edge" - Firm Foundation inspiration Minute #136 for September 18, 2024
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Bryan Hudson
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
Ecclesiastes 10:10 (NLT), Since a dull ax requires great strength, sharpen the blade. That's the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed.
The Effect of Liars & The Triumph of Truth | Opinion by Bryan Hudson
Monday, September 16, 2024
Bryan Hudson
Monday, September 16, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
This election cycle has highlighted something we see and hear so often that many have stopped being outraged about it. That “something” is lying. In the world of politics and the larger society, the response to egregious acts by one or by the few is often, “Well, everyone does it.“
When I was a child—and perhaps you had the same experience— trying to downplay some lie or bad deed by attempting to deflect and bring others into the wrong. “Johnny did it too!” was met with a swift and strong rebuke from my mother, “I am talking to YOU!”
This is Called “Moral Equivalence”
Moral equivalence is the concept or rhetorical device that suggests two actions or behaviors, which may differ in degree or context, are equally morally wrong or right. It is often used in debates or discussions to compare actions by arguing that one is no worse or better than the other, even if the situations or outcomes differ significantly. (OpenAI 2024)
Interestingly, this childhood ploy is still being used by adults. As an example and learning moment for this issue, I give you Donald J. Trump. To the fact that this man is a liar cannot be disputed. The phenomenon of the abundance of his lies have normalized the behavior for many. It’s become like the scar that looses sensation. It’s like all the junk in a room that is no longer noticed. It is the thing that no longer produces outrage as it once did.
Moral equivalence is among the weakest of all arguments and responses. In essence, this is not much different than the events that took place in August 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, during the “Unite the Right” rally. It was a gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and far-right groups protesting the planned removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Hundreds of white supremacists marched through the University of Virginia’s campus carrying torches and chanting racist and anti-Semitic slogans such as “Jews will not replace us” and “White lives matter.” They clashed with counter-protesters, leading to several injuries and the death of Heather Heyer who was hit by a car. Regarding this racist gathering, then President Donald Trump stated, “There are good people on both sides.”
The worst response is making peace with lies and attempts at moral equivalence by accepting and accommodating abhorrent behavior. Some may think, “That’s just the way it is.”
If that was the attitude of our African American ancestors, we would still be segregated, unable to vote, locked out of opportunity, uneducated, giving deference to White supremacists, and much more. If there is any group of people who will not settle for an evil or ungodly status quo, it is Black people.
It has often been said that African-Americans and the Black church are the moral conscience to our nation. The survival and flourishing of African Americans, despite centuries of oppression, symbolize resilience, hope, and the enduring belief in the possibility of change. Their continued pursuit of justice often forces the broader society to reflect on its moral compass and reconsider what it means to be an ethical nation. African Americans have played a pivotal role in calling the U.S. to a higher moral standard, reminding the country that its true greatness lies in achieving justice and equality for all its citizens. By continually exposing the disconnect between American ideals and realities, African Americans have often acted as the moral conscience, pushing the nation toward a more just and inclusive future. (OpenAI 2024)
So it is interesting, that this election cycle features the most egregious liar among national politicians we have witnessed in our lifetime seeking to re-occupy the highest office in our nation, former President Trump (DJT). It is fitting that he would be held to account by a Black woman, Vice President Kamala Harris, who became the Democratic nominee for President of the United States after the courageous act of President Joe Biden stepping aside. It is also ironic that DJT may be defeated by a woman and Black person, representing individuals who have been disparaged by him for decades.
History may show that the presidential debate of September 10, 2024 was a vital component in the undoing of DJT and the MAGA movement. Kamala Harris’s rhetorical domination of Trump triggered outrageous and unguarded responses from him. People who are deceitful and lie depend on obfuscation and systems of concealment to hide their true nature and deeds. What 67 million people saw on that evening cannot be unseen. It will forever live on YouTube and the transcript will always provide documentation. The event has become a receipt that can never be denied.
During the civil rights movement, one of the strategies was to expose the racism of people in the South who opposed the dignity and constitutional rights of Black people. This was the purpose of bus boycotts, freedom rides, marches, and other actions to attract the attention of local people and the entire nation. People who lie and deceive depend on cultivating false narratives, controlling media reports, and using systems that downplay the blatant evil of their ways.
The Decline of White Evangelical Credibility
One of the most disappointing outcomes of the phenomenon of DJT is the strong support by white evangelical Christians. 80% supported his presidential election in 2016. Even after his disastrous term and Office, they supported him again at 80% in 2020. In 2024, his support among white evangelicals hovers at 80%. Through his entire presence on the political scene, going back to the days when Barack Obama ran for president, DJT engaged in lies and misrepresentations. This included the “birther” conspiracy that falsely alleged that Barack Obama was not born in the USA. For his campaign, Trump declared that he would be “self funding” his campaign––he didn’t. He promoted false information regarding COVID that contributed to the suffering and death of many Americans. For nine years he has been promising to replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) with a “better” plan. When pressed on September 10 at the debate about his health plan, he said, “I have concepts of a plan.” Another lie.
A compilation of DJT lies on Wikipedia.
One of the most important virtues of the Christian church should be allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth. This truth does not only refer to Scriptural truth, but I believe it also necessitates acceptance of objective truth, such as facts in life and in science. Not the least of these imperatives is the mandate to live the truth.
One of the unhealthy effects of compromising truth or remaining inactive and silent when action and speaking out are needed is settling into something referred to as “lie fatigue” or “deception fatigue.”
It is a condition of becoming desensitized to people who constantly lie. Over time, when someone is exposed to frequent dishonesty, they may become emotionally numb or indifferent to the lies. This can lead to a lack of trust and lowered expectations. It may also cause someone to stop reacting or caring about the lies altogether. It is my point of view that this has become the state of people devoted to DJT, in what has been characterized as a cultish relationship: believing the leader, no matter what he says, or does, justifying lies, dismissing wrongdoing, and chastising others for disagreeing.
Psychologically, this desensitization can be a defense mechanism, where individuals protect themselves from the emotional stress and frustration of repeatedly encountering lies. In some cases, it may be part of broader emotional burnout, where a person becomes numb not only to lying but to other forms of emotional manipulation or stress. (OpenAI 2024)
Below are some of the well-known dynamics between cult leaders, and followers. I don’t presume to assign these behaviors to all followers of DJT. Again, the dynamics of this election cycle are teaching moments that can be applied to other contexts.
Us vs. Them Mentality: Cults often cultivate a mentality where the group is seen as superior, and outsiders are considered enemies or threats.
Religious or Spiritual Manipulation
False Prophecies or Doomsday Scenarios: Cult leaders may use religious or spiritual manipulation, claiming divine authority or predicting apocalyptic events to control members through fear.
Promises of Salvation: Cults often promise special knowledge, enlightenment, or salvation that can only be attained through loyalty to the group, making members feel they must stay to secure their spiritual future. (OpenAI 2024)
Christians who strongly support DJT or believe the Republican party is the only one that is approved by God are forced to compromise their faith to accommodate his behavior. This leads to something called "Cognitive Dissonance.”
Cognitive dissonance is a psychological concept that refers to the mental discomfort or tension a person feels when they hold two or more contradictory beliefs, values, or attitudes simultaneously. This discomfort often leads to an internal motivation to reduce the dissonance, either by changing one of the conflicting beliefs, acquiring new information, or minimizing the importance of the conflict. (OpenAI 2024)
Holding contradictory beliefs or performing actions that are inconsistent with their personal values, leads to cognitive dissonance. Persons may rationalize the harmful behaviors and lies such as from DJT as necessary for the “greater good.” Seeking to reduce the dissonance, values are compromised, faith in Jesus Christ is undermined, and allegiance to truth is replaced by allegiance to a man.
Christians should appreciate our distinct role as citizens in which voting is not a spiritual act. It is a civic duty that deserves a rational and objective assessment of candidates regarding their core competence. Single issue voting contributes to manipulation on the part of candidates who would use Christianity for self-serving purposes. The most common example is a candidate saying he is “pro-life,” but shows no actual care for unborn or born lives.
The "Big Lie"
Our modern lexicon now includes the words, "The Big Lie" which we all know refers to DJT's denial of the outcome of the 2000 election which he lost. At the heart of this lie was the rejection of our Democratic system of excepting defeat, gracefully conceding, and supporting the peaceful transfer of power. As we all know, in defying our democratic system, he sought to overturn a free and fair election by inciting an insurrection on January 6, 2021 that resulted in the injury in death of some capital police officers.
Another "Big Lie"
Lies about immigrants fomented by DJT accuse them of "poisoning the blood of our nation," which is a white supremacist mindset. This conspiracy contributed to his nonsensical accusation of Haitians in Ohio abducting and eating resident's pets. This insanity spoken to an audience of 67 million people during the debate should overshadow any other thing he says until the election on November 5. His lies have endangered the lives of Haitian (Black) people and put families and children at risk.
The biblical practice of assigning spiritual value to political figures and to voting has contributed to the confusion and enabling of a man, Donald Trump, who exhibits no Christian fruit. In reality, if we wanted to make a spiritual assessment of the man, many Scriptures would offer perspective, including Proverbs 6:12 NLT: “What are worthless and wicked people like? They are constant liars."
“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Rev. Bryan Hudson, D. Min.
September 15, 2024
Democracy In Peril: Dishonest Scales & White Privilege – Thoughts From the Presidential Debate of September 10, 2024
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Bryan Hudson
Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord, But a just weight is His delight. ~ Proverbs 11:1 (NKJV) Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
On the evening of September 10, 2024 a presidential debate, hosted by ABC News, was held between Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. It was watched by a reported 67 million viewers. Readers of this article were likely among the viewers.
The debate can be viewed on YouTube. Here is the transcript of the debate.
Reactions to the debate reminded me of something I have known most of my adult life: Race and gender ALWAYS have a role in public discourse. That discourse is rarely objective (meaning “what it is”). It is usually subjective (“what I think it is”). Commentary and “spin” about remarks made by both candidates fall into both objective and subjective statements. We don't need to listen to what others said about the debate, just watch the video for yourself or read the transcript.
Comments about Harris and Black people once again confirmed a thesis I’ve held for several decades based on actions from our nation’s history, actions in recent history, and reactions from the debate held on September 10, 2024 demonstrate:
Racism is not only a stain on the fabric of our nation. Racism is part of the threads that form the fabric of our nation.
I define racism as disparaging people of another ethnic identity while considering one’s own ethnicity superior. It is a particular issue related to how many (not all) White people have treated Black people, as a racial minority, from the past to the present.
It is foolish to believe that the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris was not impacted by their race and gender. There is no question that women, Black women, and people of color are drawn to Kamala Harris because she is Black. However, her ethnicity is not the only factor that has attracted Black people and other people of color. We (and I include myself) are attracted to her extraordinary competence. Justice Clarence Thomas is also Black, but many of us don’t consider him to be highly competent, certainly not at the time of his appointment.
Something not understood by many is that being Black is not good enough to earn our support—you have to be very good! Many of us were trained to the reality that we have to be twice as good as others because in many cases White people, by default, will favor other White folk above you.
This is the essence of White privilege, which is something that White folks have not necessarily cultivated, and we do not disparage the work they have put in. It is simply a benefit of being White in American culture.
Donald Trump, in all his corruption, delusions, lies, political incompetence, criminality, advanced age, and diminished mental state, benefits from being a celebrity White male. He has developed a cult of personality, where his cult followers believe whatever they are told.
Let’s put him in the “scale:”
Where would Trump be today if he was a Black man? If Trump was Black, behaving in the manner we have seen for many years, he would already be serving a prison sentence.
White privilege allowed him to become the Republican nominee in 2024, with a criminal record, having the backing of the Supreme Court in granting immunity from criminal acts, and calling the honorable Vice President Kamala Harris, “not very smart” and “nasty.” (A term he only uses toward women)
Kamala Harris has 21 years of government service experience before becoming the presidential nominee for 2024.
This compares to 13 years experience for President Kennedy, 8 years for President Reagan, 11 years for President Obama, and 0 years for President Donald Trump.
Regardless of this significant fact, Kamala Harris has been characterized as follows:
“She’s not smart…”
“She is a nasty person…”
“Childless women lack character…” (Harris has two step children)
“She lacks experience…”
“She doesn’t speak well…”
“She is not a good debater…”
“She is not presidential…”
As we read earlier, Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord, But a just weight is His delight. Proverbs 11:1 (NKJV)
She is objectively qualified to become President of the United States. Given her experience and qualifications, why would anyone say or think otherwise?
MY CONCLUSION: Kamala Harris is disparaged because she is Black and female.
To be sure, not every White person has been compromised by racist perceptions. At the founding of our nation, there were people who believed that Africans should not be enslaved. There was a debate about allowing slavery to become part of the original colonies. Some advocated to dismantle chattel slavery (though the earnestness of the effort can be questioned). But such persons were far outnumbered by those who thought Africans to be inferior and not made in the image of God, as White people. More impactful was the determination of slave owners to maintain free labor. This is one of the reasons why I do not believe our nation was founded on “Christian” principles. Committed followers of Christ would not have permitted the enslavement of fellow humans made in God’s image and likeness at the founding of the nation.
In May of 1845, the Southern Baptist Convention was founded for the express purpose of supporting slave owning church members. They embraced an ungodly and brutal theology that believed the enslavement of Black people was beneficial to them, Buying, selling, and abusing Black people was normal behavior for these “Christians.” In reality, what was “beneficial” were the products and profits White people gained through forced, free labor by Black people.
Why is Donald Trump Still a Contender?
How is it possible that a man like Donald Trump has any chance of becoming president again? The debate on September 10, 2024 laid bare what had previously been obfuscated by institutions like Fox News, and excuses/accommodations made by people in his circle, including White evangelical Christians. Some 200 “regular” Republicans such as Liz Cheney have renounced Trump and pledged support to Kamala Harris, because they are clear eyed and place democracy above political party.
Trump is a Threat to Democracy
A man who does not know or respect the U.S. Constitution, denied the outcome of the 2020 election that he lost, refused to concede and consent to a peaceful transfer of power by inciting an insurrection against our nation’s capitol should not be allowed to become president or hold political office. He should be serving a sentence for his crimes.
The only thing keeping Trump a contender are “dishonest scales.” His White male status is sustaining him. He has abandoned the principles that attracted supporters such as White evangelical Christians––consistent with his demonstrated selfish nature.
Resulting from the selfless and courageous act of President Joe Biden putting his country ahead of himself, he passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris, whom he selected to run with him in 2020. She has ascended to become the Democratic Presidential nominee.
That same moment revealed to the wider world the high character, profound intelligence, extraordinary competence, and presidential temperament of Vice President Kamala Harris.
She is twice as good, will honor our democracy, and be a fine President!
"Peace to Guard Your Heart and Mind" - Firm Foundation inspiration Minute #135 for September 11, 2024
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Bryan Hudson
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
Philippians 4:7, And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
There are not many things better in life than peace. There are a couple of important ways to understanding peace as it relates to God and your spiritual life:
1) Peace is a state where one is in right relationship with God.
2) Peace is a mental/emotional state where there is an absence of conflict and freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts. We call this “peace of mind.”
In this text, the Apostle Paul primarily refers to the first type of peace––with God. It is good to have peace of mind, but a right relationship with God is most helpful. As a benefit of this relationship, there is the promise that the peace of God will “Guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
There is something mysterious about possessing the peace of God: It is difficult to describe. Paul said, peace “surpasses all understanding.” It is both tangible (real to your senses), and intangible (beyond your senses).
Ways to get into the peace of God (which leads to peace of mind) include:
• Prayer
• Worship and singing on your own (doesn't matter how it sounds!)
• Reading Scripture
• Thinking on good things and crowding out bad thoughts (Read Philippians 4:8)
• Reading other inspirational and educational materials
• Walking and looking at nature (God's creation)
• What can you think of?
Mercy: The Gift Before & After Faith – Pastor Bryan Hudson D.Min.
Sunday, September 08, 2024
Bryan Hudson
Sunday, September 08, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
Would like to help us appreciate the power of mercy and appreciate what mercy is and what it is not.
Mercy is a great gift and provision from God.
Mercy is the gift before and after faith.
Mercy is also a mystery because we don’t understanding exactly when, how, where is works.
God’s mercy endures forever, but it should not be taken for granted.
Like all gifts, mercy should be valued and appreciated.
Sow seed to Pastor Bryan Hudson,$BryanIndy
"New Mercy This Morning" - Firm Foundation inspiration Minute #134 for September 4, 2024
Wednesday, September 04, 2024
Bryan Hudson
Wednesday, September 04, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments
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