The Perils of Low Information

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments


Some thoughts for our times: "THE PERILS OF LOW INFORMATION"

At 67 years old, I have arrived at a place to be intellectually, financially, and politically independent. I am free to serve God's kingdom and our community. In other words, I am free to share what is on my heart and mind. Not everyone is in that position.
One of my ethics is to “speak the truth in love.” (Ephesians 4:15) Arriving at truth requires research and source documentation. This requires TIME and EFFORT.

One of the worst developments in our time is that people have become content only to listen to narratives and be content with “low information.” A narrative is an interpretation of a story. A narrative can be an accurate or inaccurate summary. Unfortunately, when people refuse to take the time and effort to examine source documentation, they are only subject to what they are told. This is the peril of low information. Many, like Donald Trump, use lies to persuade those who are content with (false) narratives and low information.

There is no question that the Lord Jesus Christ is faithful and true. God's word is faithful and true. However, people and their institutions are not always faithful to God. Carrying the title "Christian" is no guarantee of faithfulness to God.

We remember that there were people who called themselves “Christians” who owned other people made in God's image and likeness. American slavery was perpetuated by Christians (without Christ). Even to this day, slavery is justified in versions of history taught by some Christians. Bad theology has been the root of some harmful beliefs and practices.

So the only reliable measure of one's true character is what Jesus said, “A tree is known by its fruit.” – Things actually said, done, and embraced.

As a thinker, researcher, and writer, I don't only pontificate, but seek to publish. Things that are written should not be uncritically embraced. It is good to be challenged, because no one is above correction.

Here are two pieces I have written that share points of view for your consideration:

"Democracy In Peril: Dishonest Scales & White Privilege"

"The Effect of Liars & The Triumph of Truth"

~ Bryan Hudson