DAY #7: How will God’s Wisdom Empower You To Serve Others? | Lesson by Min. Corey Jones, M.Div.
DAY #7: How will God’s Wisdom Empower You To Serve Others?
Lesson by Min. Corey Jones, M.Div.
1 Kings 3:5, In Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night, and God said, "Ask what I shall give you."
Solomon asking for wisdom and understanding to better serve God’s people displays an awareness of the responsibility of Christ followers' servanthood. It’s not difficult to see that there are a multitude of needs in the world today.
We need wisdom and discernment as we address the needs of others and gracefully navigate the challenges associated with a life of servitude. Loving people is not hard, but challenges arise as some do not see God as all that they need. As we continue to love and serve others, we may experience ungratefulness, disrespect, entitlement, and even criticism, to name a few.
With so many opportunities to serve and love others, wisdom and discernment will allow us to decipher between good ideas and God ideas.
The WHY is clear—people need help. Wisdom and discernment address the HOW and allow God to use challenges for us to “grow through” what we “go through” in God’s will.
The Serenity Prayer
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
Key insight I gained today:
Today’s action item based on insight:
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