Total Lunar Eclipse of March 15, 2024 - "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God"

Monday, March 17, 2025 Bryan Hudson 0 Comments


The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (Psalms 19:1)

Many who follow my blog are aware that I am a photographer and an astrophotographer. I do professional services through Vision Communication Media LLC and enjoy photography as a hobby, especially the astrophotography genre.

Early morning on March 15, I have the joy of witnessing a total lunar eclipse, also called a "Blood Moon." A lunar eclipse is 
Earth's shadow passing over the moon. Looked like a red/orange ball hanging in the night sky. The color is from the sun behind the Earth refracting (changing direction) through the atmosphere shining on moon, causing orange/red light to blanket the moon in phases.

On April 8, 2024, I experienced the total solar eclipse, which is the moon's shadow passing over part of the Earth.  These events, and all the wonders, I see through my telescope at night, reminds me of the Majesty and greatness of God. We do not make the mistake of worshiping the creation, more than the Creator, but it's always an awesome site to look at what God is done in the universe!

During the early morning hours of March 15, the lunar eclipse started out with clouds, I was concerned that I might miss out on the eclipse. I asked the Lord to let me see it, and the skies opened! I'm sure I wasn't the only person asking the Lord to let us see this celestial event.

What I saw reminded me again that the God we serve regulates the universe and still watches over you and me. As the old folks used to say, "God sits high and looks low."


Click here to view my astrophotography gallery, which is more for enthusiasts of astrophotography as it contains technical details about each image.

Click here to view my Inspiration Images gallery, which contains all of the photos I have shared publicly. You can also purchase prints from this gallery.


Bryan Hudson